Off-Ice Training

What will make the difference after summer training...

Athletik Training

Off ice training helps athletes to improve their movement quality, to move more efficiently and faster, to be more explosive, to shoot harder, to have a better resistance against fatigue and most of all to be less subsceptible to injuries. The off-ice training at our camps, will teach you various training techniques you can include to your summer and winter off-ice program. Players will also adapt a better understanding of why off-ice training so important is to becoming a better Athlete.

Athletic Training Program 

Our off-ice training includes two athletic sessionsf every day that focus on different areas: speed, endurance, change of direction, dynamic warm-up, plyometrics, yoga & stretching, conditioning, testing, and much more.



Off-Ice-Training Impressionen

IIHA Off-Ice
IIHA Off-Ice
IIHA Off-Ice
IIHA Off-Ice
IIHA Off-Ice
IIHA Off-Ice
IIHA Off-Ice
IIHA Off-Ice
IIHA Off-Ice


At our Regensburg camps, the players play floorball twice a day. Floorball incorporates the same intesity and similar dynamics of playing on the ice and is the perfect complement to training on the ice during the summer. It's fun, provides additional valuable ball contact with the stick, teaches skills such as hand eye coordination, heads up play, passing, and above all understanding the game!

Shooting & Stickhandling

Every off-ice session at our camps, include stations incorporating both shooting and stickhandling. Here the players not only learn the correct sequence of movements when shooting, but also effective techniques to become better with the puck. The more you do it, the better you become: the players train stickhandling and shooting up to two hours daily!! A time commitment that will be noticeable throughout the season. 😉


Teambuilding & Games

Creating memories you will want to relive

Ice hockey is a team sport. What would a camp be without strengthening the team spirit? We have players at our camp from all over the world, who come together for an experience they will never forget! To play against and make friends with players from other countries, will help build friendships and memories that will last a lifetime!!

Games promote group cohesion, and social learning for each individual player. Games are also fun, and we learn the most when we are having fun!! We see it as our responsibility to promote this competence.

-Wayne Gretzky was once asked how often he practiced as a kid.. He answered by saying he never practiced, he just did what he loved and the hours were endless!

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